Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Wednesday Quick Takes

by Mark Tapson

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Randi Weingarten Meltdown

Raging union boss Randi Weingarten of the American Federation of Teachers appeared on MSNBC recently to rant, as is her wont, about the Trump administration halving the number of employees at the badly misnamed Department of Education. (See Weingarten’s profile here at Discover the Networks, the Freedom Center’s online encyclopedia of the Left.)

The DoE workforce cuts are part of recently-confirmed Education Secretary Linda McMahon’s “reduction in force” (RIF) process to ensure efficiency and accountability, and to get resources “where they matter most: to students, parents, and teachers,” as McMahon put it. She has been tasked with winding down the Department, which President Trump has declared he wants to abolish in order to return education to states and local communities.

“I’m so mad about this, I’m spitting mad because it’s hurting the people who can’t vote,” Weingarten fumed, adding, “Children don’t vote – let’s not take away their opportunity.”

Randi Weingarten is having a meltdown again about Trump shutting down the Dept of Education while bouncing on TV.

“I’m so mad!! I’m spitting mad about this!”

— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) March 16, 2025

This is rich, for a number of reasons:

First, children may not vote, but parents do; nevertheless, Leftists like Weingarten view parents as domestic terrorists and obstacles to the Marxist agenda to dumb down our youth, to cut them off from their cultural legacy, and to indoctrinate generation after generation of political foot-soldiers to ensure permanent one-party hegemony for the Democrats. Weingarten has consistently opposed parental rights bills and parental challenges to radical curricula, precisely because she cares about children only insofar as they can be weaponized against parents and the America she wants to help overthrow.

Second, Weingarten and her Left-wing union activists, like all union activists, care only about amassing and wielding power; if they cared about children at all, they would address the fact that the Department of Education has done incalculable damage to America’s youth in the few decades of its existence. It, and teachers unions like Weingarten’s AFT, have done more to “take away opportunities” for children than any other arm of the government.

Third, the DoE does not teach one child or run one schoolroom anywhere in America; it is a bloated, unelected bureaucracy which does what bloated bureaucracies do: hoover up massive amounts of money to grow itself and to fund the campaigns of those politicians who will keep the money train running.

Ending the Department of Indoctrination will require a fight in Congress. So be it – its elimination can’t come soon enough.

Whoopi Goldberg Meltdown

When referencing Trump Derangement Syndrome meltdowns, one naturally thinks of one or more of the co-hostesses of ABC’s inexplicably long-running daytime propaganda-fest The View. And sure enough, ringleader Whoopi Goldberg launched into a fear-mongering rant on a recent episode, complaining about the Trump administration deporting illegal alien felons and gang-members – because Democrats, as I always note, are simply pro-crime (unless they’re targeting Donald Trump with lawfare; in that case, Democrats like to proclaim that “no one is above the law”).

“Keep your eyes open, y’all,” Whoopi warned the all-female audience. “’Cuz if they can just come up and take somebody ‘cuz they’ve made a decision that you’re supposed to be ‘that person,’” she continued inarticulately, “any one of us could find ourselves being deported to some country that we’ve never been there.”

Every word of Whoopi’s foggy blather, as near as I can decipher, is false. “Any one of us” cannot be deported, much less to a random country we have no connection to, unless that “one of us” is illegally in the country committing crimes or belonging to an international criminal gang, drug cartel, or terror organization. The Trump administration isn’t going to deport “any one of us” for no reason. You have nothing to fear, Whoopi, although cinematic performances as scenery-chewing as hers in the overrated Ghost should be a deportable offense.

Whoopi then shifted gears from defending murderers and rapists from deportation, to complaining that DOGE investigations into government fraud and waste are somehow focused on “my stuff” – as if Elon Musk gets his kicks poring over Whoopi’s tax returns.

But her brain was already moving on from that non sequitur to another, as she fretted that the Trump administration was also taking away her “constitutional right to free speech.” She is the host of a talk show on a major network – in what way is Trump choking off her freedom of speech? We don’t know, because she didn’t cite a single example.

Whoopi Goldberg suggests Trump will deport American citizens.

Intentionally and purposely lying to her

— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) March 18, 2025

Whoopi Goldberg is an idiot. She can’t even formulate a complete sentence, much less a complete argument, that anyone can follow, and yet somehow she heads up a political talk show.

Jon Stewart Meltdown

The Left is in such disarray and impotent distress that they are melting down not only over the Trump administration, but over even each other. Talk show host and purported comedian Jon Stewart went into meltdown mode on The Daily Show Monday night after 10 Democrats, including Chuck Schumer, voted Friday with Republicans for a continuing resolution to keep the federal government open.

Stewart played a clip of Schumer from 2019 in which the Senate Minority Leader claimed he talked with members of the GOP “all the time” at the gym.

“In the gym, they’re only being agreeable with you because they want you to leave them alone, in the gym, on the stationary bike. ‘Oh, sure, Chuck, I’m definitely going to do that.’ But I have to tell you something, pedaling really hard and not going anywhere, it’s a great metaphor for the Democratic Party right now,” Stewart joked.

Earlier in the show, Stewart sarcastically said Democrats “finally have an opportunity to stand up and show their dispirited party they still have the principle and the backbone to face down this wannabe tyrant.”

He noted that Schumer claimed in a recent New York Times interview that once Trump’s favorability poll numbers drop below 40%, Republican lawmakers would be forced to begin working with Democrats. He noted that with Trump at 48%, they need to “keep at it” until the president’s approval drops.

Stewart then told his audience, “Apparently the grand plan is, Dems keep fecklessly complaining until the 48 approval comes down to 40, which is a plan. But it’s forgetting one crucial piece of information in Schumer’s popularity calculation.”

He then showed an MSNBC clip revealing that “only 27% of voters have a positive view of the party – the lowest favorability rating in the history of NBC’s polling.”

Stewart ranted, “You’re at 27%! You’ve got to get Trump to lose eight points of popularity for you to get to the point where you’re only 13 points below him! Your approval is only seven points above where it turns red and goes into low power mode!”

As Weingarten, Whoopi, and Stewart demonstrate, the Democrats are a party of petulant children panicked over the realization that not only have they lost the political dominance they held for four years, but that their radicalism has marginalized them out of the mainstream and into irrelevance – and they don’t know how to get any of it back.

Follow Mark Tapson at Culture Warrior

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