Thursday, March 13, 2025

Trans Singer at Bernie Rally Spews Blasphemy

by Mark Tapson

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Democrats are the Party of sacrilege, obscenity, and transgression. Change my mind.

Case in point: deluded political has-been Bernie Sanders (yes, he’s still alive, still a Vermont senator, and still a communist) is hosting a series of town hall events across the country as part of his “Fighting Oligarchy: Where We Go From Here” campaign, through which he fancies that he can establish himself as the face of resistance to the “tyrannical Trump administration.”

At a Friday rally in Somers, Wisconsin before approximately 3500 attendees, Sanders (or more likely, his handlers) had invited punk rocker Laura Jane Grace to warm up the crowd on solo acoustic guitar. Grace was formerly Thomas James Gabel, the frontman of a self-described anarcho-punk band called Against Me! He had been with the band since 1997, but came out as trans in 2012, after which they released an album in 2014 called Transgender Dysphoria Blues which reached #23 on the Billboard 200 chart (that gives you some idea of how far the music industry has degenerated since The Beatles sang, “I Want to Hold Your Hand”).

Speaking of degenerate, Grace proceeded to belt out a song with lyrics that were shockingly blasphemous and vile, even for Democrats.

Conservative social media activist Robby Starbuck posted a video of part of the performance on X, noting that Grace sang, “Does your God have a big fat d*ck? Because it feels like he is f*cking me!” and “Does he shoot wads of honey and c*m twice on Easter Sunday?”

“This is who the Democrats are now,” Starbuck responded. “Pure evil. Other lyrics are somehow even more grotesque and anti-Christian. These people are insane. @BernieSanders is a lunatic and anti-Christian.”

It’s difficult to argue with that, especially when you read more of the lyrical repulsiveness from the song, per Starbuck:

What’s his favorite position?

Missionary? Magic bullet?

We all give him no lover

Just a hand and a mother

Can he c*m a shotgun blast

And shoot salvation up your a*s?

Does he chew c*nt like bubblegum

And give bl*wj*bs like a vacuum?

Does his D go deep So deep it puts an a*s to sleep?

Who’s the 6 to his 9

And what are his other kinks?

If he grows all the trees

Does he taste every peach?

Is your god f*cking you and f*cking me?

I know creation must get lonely

After all he’s one and only

And his son was so well hung

I think the big man deserves one

“This is what Democrats stand for now,” Starbuck reiterated.

When he took the stage, Bernie began by thanking various people for making the rally happen, including “Laura Jane Grace for the music.” Was Sanders aware, when his people hired a transgender punk rocker, that those foul lyrics would be broadcast to the crowd? If he wasn’t, he needs to retroactively and publicly condemn them or we must assume that he approves.

“I can’t believe this… pure evil and sickening,” commented one X user after seeing the Starbuck video on X. Another wrote,

Little Bernie boy has gone full Satan, right before our eyes! What kind of singer even writes this on paper let alone sings it in front of an audience. Transgenderism and liberalism are both officially mental illnesses that obviously can’t be cured! Evil walks among us 100%.

This is, as Robby Starbuck asserted, who the Left are. They are the Party of transgression, of sacrilege, of queering the culture. These neo-Marxists revel in speech and actions that offend what they consider to be “bourgeois” sensibilities and Judeo-Christian morality. They live for smashing social norms and busting through the boundaries of decency and decorum. They demand trigger warnings on classic films in order to limit the free speech of their opponents, and yet they delight in shocking and disgusting Christian conservatives (they would never be caught mocking Muslims or Islam, of course; the Left has turned Christians into a marginalized, soft target, culturally speaking, while Muslims – even designated terrorists like Hamas – are a protected class according to the classifications of identity politics).

“The foolish and wicked practice of profane cursing and swearing,” declared George Washington, “is a vice so mean and low that every person of sense and character detests and despises it.” Theodore Roosevelt concurred: “Profanity is the parlance of the fool. Why curse when there is such a magnificent language with which to discourse?” As I’ve written before, the Left is obsessed with obscenity for a few reasons, among them the fact that they know they can’t win elections via reasonable, rational discourse; they depend on emotion, and

nothing displays passionate conviction quite like cursing. The right believes that public profanity is not just uncivil but unprofessional, and that it delegitimizes one’s argument, whereas Progressives feel that it legitimizes their passion.

Yes, Bernie Sanders is technically not a Democrat, but he is far-Left – as the Democrats are – and certainly no “independent.” And yes, he is politically irrelevant in the Trump era and certainly will never again be the player in Democrat presidential campaigns that he was two or three elections ago. But this revolting rally incident is going to haunt any political future he aims to have – as it should. There is no place in American politics for the kind of nauseating, satanic display at his rally in Wisconsin. That may be who the Democrats are, but it isn’t who Americans are.

Follow Mark Tapson at Culture Warrior

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