Thursday, March 13, 2025

The Incredible Fakeness of Gov. Newsom

by Daniel Greenfield

Over past years, Gov. Gavin Newsom made California a ‘transgender sanctuary state’, signed a grooming bill that banned schools from telling parents that their kids were being pushed into transgenderism, and only drew the line at the Transgender, Gender-Diverse, and Intersex Youth Empowerment Act which would have seized kids from parents who were not on board with having their kids chemically castrated.

One of the motivations for a special session, was protecting the ‘trans’ movement. He signed bills into law calling for all-gender bathrooms in schools and a roster of indoctrination bills.

Now, suddenly, Gov. Newsom claims to have a red line when it comes to men competing against women.

Reacting to the election and his political prospects. Newsom launched his own podcast, modestly titled, “This is Gavin Newsom”, sat down with Charlie Kirk, blasted Kamala for her infamous sex changes for illegal aliens in prison and said that men competing against women is “deeply unfair.”

By no remote coincidence, this is one of two transgender issues that a majority of Democrats even oppose.

Gov. Newsom is positioning himself to the ‘right’ of Kamala, a possible competitor in the 2028 primaries, on an issue he can blame lost her the election, and one where he can break with the wokes and be on the right side of much of the party.

Much like launching a podcast in which he gets ‘edgy, a slick move meant to keep him relevant until the primaries come around (he’s seen previous podcast efforts by the likes of Hillary in which she talked to her pals and knows why they failed), it’s very strategic and also very dishonest because he did nothing to stop a practice that he now admits is very unfair and gave every impression of supporting it.

Either Newsom was a fraud from the beginning or was willing to endorse whatever insane notions his party had embraced until they turned out to be unpopular. Neither is much of a recommendation.

Newsom tried to advance his 2024 non-campaign by proving he could take on the ‘right’, debating DeSantis and putting up billboards in Florida. His current shtick is a variation of the same theme in which he pretends he’s a national figure, not a corrupt safe state machine politician, but that’s exactly what he is and always will be.

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Daniel Greenfield

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

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