Proving once again there are no editorial standards over there, far-left CNN humiliated itself once again with another fake “fact check.”
The intended target Wednesday evening was President Trump’s EPA Director Lee Zeldin, who announced earlier this week that he had canceled over “400 DEI and environmental justice grants,” which will save taxpayers around $2 billion. We all know what this really is… A taxpayer-funded slush fund for Democrat activists like the $2 billion the Biden administration tossed to election denier Stacey Abrams.
Zeldin also released a video laying out the 31 “historic actions” his department is taking to remove a bunch of stupid regulations.
Obviously, any action that decreases government power offends the left-wing fascists at CNN, who worship centralized federal authority the same way Stacey Abrams worships Golden Corral’s all-you-can-eat buffet. But because they had no intelligent criticism to hurl at Zeldin, basement-rated Kaitlan Collins and environmental “““journalist””” Bill Weir decided to fabricate typos on some EPA press releases to fabricate chaos within the EPA.
Get a load of these smug idiots as they misinform dozens of Americans that bizarre symbols on an EPA press release represent a “placeholder” until the true information can be inserted. You see, the EPA is so dysfunctional under Orange Bad Man, the statement was released before the true info was added.
BILL WEIR: Today, Lee Zeldin put out a video on X. They were putting out press releases with such a flurry, about 31 different actions and rollbacks, that some of them had typos or placeholders at the top. We have one of those there. ‘Trump EPA announces zero, zero, zero,’ you can see there…
WEIR: …it’s sort of shoot first, fill out the press release later.
Zeldin himself used his Xwitter account to set the record straight.
“Another media ‘fact check’ face plant where the fact checker doesn’t have the slightest clue what he’s talking about,” Zeldin explained. “‘OOOO b/c’ is not a typo. 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart OOOO, or Quad O, is a federal reg under the Clean Air Act. Also, those aren’t zeroes, it’s the letter ‘O’.”
Weir is CNN’s Chief Climate Correspondent so, shouldn’t he — I don’t know — know this?
At the very least, shouldn’t Weir’s supposed breadth of environmental experience have told him that “OOOO b/c” has some meaning in his chosen field? This smug idiot is supposed to be on top of all this stuff, but all he saw was gibberish.
But CNN is not interested in informing its miniscule audience. All they want to do is attack Republicans and defend Democrats. That’s the mindset that leads to making this kind of mistake backed by so much certainty and arrogance.
If that press release had come across my desk, I would’ve reached out to someone at the EPA to see 1) if it was a mistake and 2) to avoid making a fool of myself.
Think of the lack of curiosity required by Weir and Collins NOT to want to know what the press release was supposed to say? If you thought it was a placeholder, wouldn’t you want to know that?
And where the hell were the editors?
No way could I write that story without my editors saying, “Are you sure? Look into it first.” I’m not saying I don’t make mistakes, but something like that…? No way I’m not told to double-check it.
Oh, but the capital “J” journalists at CNNLOL… Stand back and make way for the pros, boy.
You want to know just how vile CNN is…?
No one reading this would be at all surprised if Collins and Weir fully understood that press release and still chose to deliberately lie about it to make Trump look bad.
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