Thursday, March 13, 2025

Is the New Orleans Attack Going to Be Our New Normal?

by Mark Tapson

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Details about the New Year’s morning terror attack in New Orleans are still coming out, of course, but before the misinformation of the official narrative takes hold, and before the Democrat accusations of Islamophobia begin flying fast and furious, let’s review what we know.

At about 3:15 a.m. of New Year’s Day, a man intentionally drove his rented pickup truck into a crowd of revelers on New Orleans’ famed Bourbon Street, killing at least 15 people and injuring over 35 more. Attached to the back of the truck was a black flag of the Islamic State terror organization. As police drew toward the scene, the driver exited the vehicle and began shooting at people, including cops, who returned fire and killed the suspect.

He has been identified as Shamsud Din Jabbar, 42, reportedly an American-born Army veteran and black convert to Islam living in Houston, Texas. He previously resided in North Carolina, where in 2012 he was registered as a Democrat.

Din Jabbar was armed with a Glock handgun and .308 caliber rifle equipped with optics and a sensor, according to a “high-level local source.” Material for an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) also was recovered from the truck, which was tracked crossing the southern border into the U.S. at Eagle Pass, Texas, on November 16th. The driver who crossed the border, however, does not appear to be Din Jabbar, the sources said, who reportedly rented the vehicle on December 30.

An emotional eyewitness stunned a CNN interviewer by describing the “unimaginable casualty” he saw:

I mean, just the disfigurement and the bodies — strewn. It’s something you can’t unsee. You’ll never forget. Directly at our feet was definitely a mother. Twisted up, obviously deceased. We counted around eight bodies very quickly right in our area. One gentleman crushed had tire tracks across his back. Once they rolled him over, there were tire tracks on his front, he was completely crushed. Another girl, young small girl, was dancing when we were coming up the street, and she was just completely flat in the middle, dead center. Another woman, just brutally run over, but still agonizing.

This is jihad. Jihad is Islam.

The FBI initially obfuscated matters by insisting, against all reason, that this was not an act of terrorism. Then the FBI confirmed that it was, and that Din Jabbar probably was not “solely responsible.” Law enforcement officials reportedly are looking at surveillance footage which shows three men and a woman placing what appears to be remote-controlled IEDs inside of coolers in the French Quarter. A remote control was discovered inside Din Jabbar’s vehicle.

My Freedom Center colleague, Jihad Watch director Robert Spencer, speculated in the wake of the incident that this was vehicular jihad, a tactic common enough in recent years in Europe, which has been utterly transformed by mass Muslim immigration and where Christmas markets and other large holiday gatherings are routinely targeted by jihadists behind the wheel. “As far back as 2014, the Islamic State (ISIS) was calling upon Muslims in Western countries to carry out vehicular jihad attacks,” Spencer wrote. He catalogs a few other such attacks, including in America.

As another Freedom Center colleague, Daniel Greenfield, wrote today, once “Islam became a major presence, we can no longer have any kind of festival without Islamic terrorists or pro-Hamas mobs attacking everything from Christmas Tree lightings to the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade to New Year’s in New Orleans.” He concludes, “The underlying issue is not the group, it’s the creed. The underlying issue is not ISIS, it’s Islam.”

Contrary to what the multiculturalists of the Left obstinately insist, cultural diversity is fine when you’re talking about restaurants, but is not inherently a societal strength. A burgeoning Muslim population anywhere in the Western world ultimately means the spread of no-go zones and sharia law, including the supremacist contempt for, and surging aggression against, our willfully oblivious, tolerant and inclusive host culture. The UK, for example, is currently reeling from documented revelations of the horrors perpetrated against white English girls, over the course of many years, by Muslim rape gangs there while the authorities shamefully turned a blind eye lest they be labeled racist.

Similarly, here in America the Democrat Party exhibits more blustery outrage over the fabricated psychological condition called Islamophobia than by fellow Americans killed on our own soil by Islamic supremacists. (Islamophobia, you will recall, was manufactured and weaponized by the Muslim Brotherhood to demonize and hamstring critics of Islam, and the Democrat Party is complicit in this strategy.) Meanwhile, law enforcement agencies under the corrupt ideologues of the Biden administration have been focused on DEI programs and imprisoning elderly pro-lifers rather than securing the nation.

President-elect Donald Trump issued a statement today which said, in part,

The crime rate in our country is at a level that nobody has ever seen before. Our hearts are with all of the innocent victims and their loved ones, including the brave officers of the New Orleans Police Department. The Trump Administration will fully support the City of New Orleans as they investigate and recover from this act of pure evil!

Pure evil indeed. When Trump and his new team take office in three weeks, law enforcement agencies will be reinvigorated with a new focus, but make no mistake: we have not seen the last of attacks like the New Orleans horror. It is an easy prediction to warn that this morning’s terrorism will likely exemplify a new normal in the United States after four years of the open-borders Biden administration. Brace yourselves.

Until America and the Western world at large find the courage and determination to expel this hostile ideology in our midst, our streets will be littered with more victims of our civilizational weakness.

Follow Mark Tapson at Culture Warrior

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