Thursday, March 13, 2025

I killed JFK after being hired by CIA – I remember his head rocking back as shot hit…but Trump files won’t tell you that

by Georgie English

A SELF-PROCLAIMED hitman who alleges he shot John F Kennedy on covert CIA orders has warned the Trump files still don’t contain the truth.

Notorious mobster James Files, 83, has constantly confessed to being the gunman who assassinated the former president – despite official records rubbishing his account as a lie.

James Files, alleged JFK assassin.


Alleged hitman James Files claims he assassinated John F Kennedy on special CIA ordersCredit: YouTube/Documentary Central

President and Mrs. John F. Kennedy in a motorcade.


A photo taken minutes before JFK was shot dead in Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963Credit: Getty

Donald Trump holding a signed document.


Donald Trump made an official order to release the secret assassination files of John F Kennedy last monthCredit: AP

Illustration of the assassination of JFK, including a map of the motorcade route, the Texas Book Depository, and information about the Zapruder film and Lee Harvey Oswald.

More than six decades on from the public assassination, debate continues to rage on over the exact details of JFK’s death.

President Donald Trump even signed an official order last month which will see thousands of classified files opened up and made public.

A statement alongside the order spoke about how opening the files is being done for the families of the victims and the American people “who deserve transparency and truth”.

Despite the news exciting conspiracy theorists across the globe, experts doubt there are any major revelations lurking in the archives that would change the accepted version of events.

read more in JFK files

Official documents say JFK was shot in the head and neck by a 24-year-old lone gunman whilst travelling in an open-top car parade in Dallas, Texas.

Lee Harvey Oswald was later confirmed by officials as the shooter before he himself was gunned down on live TV by Jack Ruby in retaliation.

Authorities investigating the case have always maintained that Oswald was the killer – despite Chicago native Files confessing several times since.

Files served 25 years behind bars for the attempted murder of two police officers in the years after JFK’s death.

During his time in jail he became a devout Christian and his new found faith left him remarkably making claims that he was the real killer.

His widely dismissed account of events which detail the harrowing day on November 22, 1963, alleges he watched JFK’s motorcade turn a corner before firing a deadly bullet.

‘This is huge’- FBI discovers THOUSANDS more top secret JFK assassination documents after Trump’s order to release files

He recalled to The Times: “I followed him all the way down with the crosshairs on him, kept him in the scope.

“Before I lost my line of sight, I took the fatal shot. I hit Kennedy in the right temple, and blew the back side of his head out.”

Files claims the sight of Kennedy’s head rocking back still plays through his head today – even though officials say he wasn’t involved.

Files even alleges he was joined by a team of Chicago mafia hitmen who were all recruited and trained up by the CIA to pull off the shocking assassination.

He claims the group all swiftly packed up their weapons after the shot landed and jumped into a burgundy Chevrolet Impala before fleeing into Dallas traffic.

None of the other people Files mentions in his accounts have come forwards to back up his suggestions.

Psychology professor Jerome Kroth is among a small group of believers who feel Files may be telling the truth.

Kroth said the accounts he has read from Files are “surprisingly credible” with his story being the most “believable and persuasive” alternative to the official reason.

John F. Kennedy and Jacqueline Kennedy in a motorcade.


JFK was in the car with First Lady Jacqueline KennedyCredit: EPA

Black and white mugshot of a man with a placard reading


Widely agreed upon assassin Lee Harvey Oswald’s booking photoCredit: Getty

In 1994, the FBI was said to have investigated Files’ allegations but quickly dubbed it “not credible“.

The retired elderly hitman still continues to preach his story to conspiracy theorists today.

But with the latest news of Trump finally opening up the missing JFK files intriguing many, Files himself doesn’t expect his name to be anywhere within the documents.

He firmly believes there are records of his alleged top secret debrief with CIA handlers at Chicago’s Midway airport ten days after the assassination.

Files claims the conversations will be buried in agency files somewhere but they won’t ever be released.

“I don’t think Trump will get any further than what’s already been disclosed,” Files shouted.

“A hundred years from now they will still say that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone and there was no conspiracy.”

Inside the unreleased files

It is understood just three per cent of records surrounding the assassination of JFK remain shielded from the public.

This equates to 4,000 documents which remain partly or completely redacted – only further fuelling speculation that US Government agencies may be involved in a cover-up.

Officials have argued many have been kept back because they contain details of people who are still alive or have information and locations of intelligence offices.

Some documents in the collection may never be released, including tax returns or files that have been destroyed over the decades.

Online sleuths have demanded all the files are opened after a number of uncovered truths were discovered in 2017.

A disclosure requirement eight years ago saw some documents made public.

One told of Oswald’s meeting with a KGB agent responsible for assassinations just two months before JFK was killed.

The bombshell form said the FBI knew about the meeting between Oswald and the KGB spy.


The files also revealed how a reporter at Cambridge News told cops he received a chilling call just 25 minutes before Kennedy was shot.

Documents told how the caller told the reporter to call the American Embassy in London for “some big news” before hanging up.

JFK assassination explained

JFK’s was assassinated as he sat inside a motorcade as it traveled through downtown Dallas on November 22, 1963.

First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy sat next to her husband at the time as the limousine turned off Main Street at Dealey Plaza around 12:30 pm.

As they passed the Texas School Book Depository, gunfire suddenly reverberated in the plaza.

Bullets struck the president’s neck and head as he slumped over toward Mrs. Kennedy.

The atrocity was caught on film which was only recovered some time after the death.

JFK’s killer was announced as Lee Harvey Oswald.

Oswald is believed to have fired three bullets – the first missed, while the third delivered the fatal blow to the President’s head.

The second bullet has been at the centre of theories of another shooter — possibly hiding on the grassy knoll that the motorcade passed.

The Warren Commission concluded this bullet hit Kennedy at the back of his neck, passed through his throat and went on to hit Texas Governor John Connally, who was sitting in the front of the car.

It then passed through Connally’s chest to hit his wrist and thigh.

Cops arrested Oswald just an hour later and took him to a local police station.

Another officer, Patrolman J. D. Tippit, was also killed by Oswald.

On Sunday November 24, Oswald was scheduled to be transferred from police headquarters to a county jail.

Viewers tuned in all across America to watch a live television of the event but suddenly a man shot Oswald at point-blank range with a pistol.

He was identified as Jack Ruby, a local nightclub owner.

John F. Kennedy, Jackie Kennedy, and others in a motorcade moments before the assassination.


JFK and his wife were all smiles as they travelled through TexasCredit: Alamy

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