Friday, March 14, 2025

I’m joking of course.

The fires that devastated Los Angeles and are still underway, that had me packing a ‘go bag’ and preparing to evacuate, and which are still going on, were not caused by global warming. What they were caused by is still under investigation, but popular theories include a previously burning fire caused by fireworks that was not properly extinguished by the intrepid lesbian fire chiefs running the LAFD (I’m not joking) and by the usual power line issues caused by local ‘green’ monopolies which know DEI, but not basic maintenance,

My own guess would be that the homeless encampments in the area probably had something to do with it.

While the media and politicians spent a week squealing about “climate change”, the ATF’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms deployed investigators to the scene of the Palisades fire. And those folks are not ‘climate change’ investigators.

The Warmunists will argue that global warming made the fires worse, except that the dryness this year came off previous wet years, that’s what made the fires worse. This is also known as ‘climate’ or weather. It’s always changing, not in any one direction, but as a cyclical phenomenon.

People who don’t understand cycles have nothing worth saying about the climate. Let alone science.

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Daniel Greenfield

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

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