Working for nearly eight hours to bring the record-setting catch aboard, a group of Japanese…

Working for nearly eight hours to bring the record-setting catch aboard, a group of Japanese…

Working for nearly eight hours to bring the record-setting catch aboard, a group of Japanese fishermen reportedly reeled in a 600-pound can of tuna Tuesday that was later auctioned off at a local fish market. “From the moment I felt the lip of the can tugging on our line, I knew it was going to be the catch of a lifetime,” said fisherman Hideo Kamada, posing with his crew in front of the shiny 10-foot tin of solid-white albacore and beaming with pride. “These chunks of fish packed in vegetable oil put up quite a fight. I’ve personally never hauled in anything larger than a 24-pack of StarKist, so once I got a glimpse of that shiny aluminum container at the surface of the water, I knew it was something special.

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