Another week and another tantrum after Rep. Keith Self correctly referred to Rep. Tim McBride, who for reasons known only to himself insists on being addressed as ‘Sarah’ and has pretended to be a woman, as a “congressman”.
And the media piled on in defense of Mr. McBride’s ‘womanhood’ which is every bit as imaginary as its ‘journalistic integrity’ and the ‘decency’ of Rep. Bill Keating, who insisted that decency required him to not only pretend that the congressman was really a congresswoman, but that no hearing into events in Europe could be conducted without being held hostage to McBride’s sexual fetishes.
The last election showed all too clearly that the American people are tired of this nonsense. Even Democrats don’t believe in the premises of the transgender movement anymore. No surgical procedure, hormone injection, wishful thinking or anything short of a major miracle can turn a man into a woman. Or vice versa. Mr. McBride, like everyone, has not been exempted from the laws of biology on account of his state of mind. The general post-election consensus is that Americans are willing to let people believe what they like as long as they don’t foist it on others. That means Mr. McBride can go around wearing wigs, dresses and claiming that he’s on his period, he has no right to create discomfort for women by using their restrooms or demanding that other people go along with his delusions.
Democracy, in its most addled form made Rep. Tim McBride a congressman, but no amount of politicking can ever make him a congresswoman.
Not even an act of congress can do that.
Daniel Greenfield
Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.
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