The FBI is warning Americans not to respond to scam road toll texts.
In the last month, the FBI has received over 2,000 complaints from Americans receiving scam road toll texts that contain smishing links.
Smishing scams are “a form of phishing that relies on SMS texts to trick people into sending money or share sensitive information.”
Don’t click on those road toll texts. FBI issues fresh warning about the smishing scam
— The Associated Press (@AP) March 13, 2025
Here’s what AP reported:
The FBI is warning Americans not to respond to scam road toll collection texts after receiving more than 2,000 complaints this month.
The texts impersonating state road toll collection agencies attempt to get phone users to reveal financial information, such as credit or debit cards or bank accounts.
They’re so-called smishing scams — a form of phishing that relies on SMS texts to trick people into sending money or share sensitive information.
The FBI says the texts are moving from state to state and use nearly identical language falsely claiming that recipients have an unpaid or outstanding toll that could result in fines or suspended driving privileges.
The FBI is asking those who receive the scams to file a complaint with its IC3 internet crime complaint center,, and to also delete the texts.
I’ve gotten two of these texts today. It’s a scam. I have never even driven on a toll road.
If you owe a toll fee, they will contact you by postal mail, not text.
— Renatta Michele Oxendine (@RenattaOxendine) March 10, 2025
Per ABC News:
The FBI is warning Americans not to respond to scam road toll collection texts after receiving more than 2,000 complaints this month.
The texts impersonating state road toll collection agencies attempt to get phone users to reveal financial information, such as credit or debit cards or bank accounts.
They’re so-called smishing scams — a form of phishing that relies on SMS texts to trick people into sending money or share sensitive information.
The FBI says the texts are moving from state to state and use nearly identical language falsely claiming that recipients have an unpaid or outstanding toll that could result in fines or suspended driving privileges.
HEADS UP: Please Do Not Get Conned By The “TRB Checks”
Yes, I am covering this for the NINTH time.
I can’t believe it.
But I’m covering it again because someone just emailed me about it.
Unreal how pervasive and aggressive this scam is.
Short answer?
No, they’re not real.
They are a 100% scam by a piece of SHIT scam artist that simply will not stop!
It was only last month that I had to ban someone in Telegram for being mad at ME over the TRB Checks.
They were convinced they were real.
Also, I keep getting emails like this:
That email is from Donna (last name redacted for privacy).
Yes, I realize the email is a little passive aggressive and condescending, but skip over that and I want to show you just how devious these scammers are.
They’ve convinced poor Donna that the “TRB Checks” are real and endorsed by Trump and if they only buy enough of them they’ll soon be made into millionaires!
So sad.
And so scary that people are getting conned out of their hard earned money.
The scammers are SO good that they get people like Donna so convinced that they then send me passive aggressive little emails ending with “Did I misunderstand?” as if it’s some great mic-drop moment and they’ve just showed me how wrong I am.
Hopium is a powerful drug.
And as the famous saying goes, “It’s MUCH easier to con someone than to convince someone they’ve been conned.”
So true.
But yet I will keep trying because I hate to see people get scammed!
So let’s take a look at the video Donna sent me.
I’m going to post it here but I’m only doing it for educational purpose.
Ok, now watch:
How devious!
They make it look like a news broadcast, but it’s not.
It’s a fake.
They make it look like Donald Trump has just promoted the TRB checks.
See! They’re Real! (people like Donna will say)
Sorry Charlie.
Look closer and you realize all they did was use stock footage of Trump.
There’s no actual video of Trump endorsing the TRB Checks or even mentioning them.
Heck, I doubt he even knows this scam exists!
They use video of him on screen and then the (fake) “News Anchor” claims in a Newscaster-sounding-voice that Trump rolled out the TRB checks today.
Pure fraud, but very convincing!
Go look at the YouTube channel in question and you’ll see it only has 23 Followers, it’s not a real news channel at all, every single video they upload is just scam videos about the TRB Checks and there is no other “news” on their channel.
It’s just a scam.
But it hooked Donna, even despite my multiple warnings.
Don’t let it hook you.
You’d be better off lighting your money on fire than buying one of these totally worthless TRB Checks.
Don’t say I didn’t warn you (six times).
Here’s more, from my prior warnings…
SCAM ALERT: The Truth Behind The “Trump” TRB Checks!
This is an update to a story I’ve brought you FOUR times already…
I can’t even believe I have to keep covering this, but I will never stop if it helps protect even ONE person from being ripped off.
So here’s the latest…
So scammer infiltrated our Group Chat on Telegram today and posted this SPAM/SCAM message:
Which immediately led to these people asking about it:
Kudos to Brenda and Ray who saw right through it.
Sadly, not everyone does and the scammers are likely making HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of dollars off this scam.
It’s SICK.
One person emailed me CRYING, saying they were retirees on fixed incomes and they saved up and skipped all Christmas presents just to buy one of these TRB Checks and the stupid “Handbook” because they thought it would soon be worth millions.
I sadly had to explain to them it would not.
They were devestated.
And that’s why I will never stop posting this and warning people!
I do want to make one other thing clear…
We brought this to Clickbank’s attention and they are handling it extremely well!
They are not at fault here.
They jumped right on this and they’re all over tracking down and STOPPING the fraud.
In fact, I expect they will soon be working with law enforcement to track back all these fraudulent payments and hopefully prosecute the offenders.
Basically, here’s what happened…
The “product” is not bad on its own.
It’s a silly little Trump collector’s item.
That’s fine, if you want to buy one of those that would be cool and you can have a nice piece of collector’s memorabilia.
So allowing that to be sold on Clickbank is perfectly fine and Clickbank has done absolutely nothing wrong.
The problem and the scam arises when the scammer then takes that product and convinces thousands of people on Telegram that these will soon be worth millions and you’ll soon be the “next millionaire”.
That, folks, is where you his SCAM city.
Keep reading for more details and make sure YOU don’t get scammed…..
I can’t believe I have to keep posting this, but I will do it until I stop seeing these scams everywhere…
Because I’m tired of seeing people getting scammed out of their hard earned money.
I never fault anyone for making money or selling products — good for you!
That’s called Capitalism.
But I freaking hate scammers!
Let’s start with the basics….
If you see a post like this, understand one thing: IT IS A SCAM!
I hate everything about this…☝
I hate how they’re using President Trump’s name and picture to scam people.
No, you are not going to buy “Trump Bucks” or “Trump Checks” and one day convert them into thousands of dollars.
That is called a SCAM and it’s also called FRAUD.
There is no NESARA or GESARA coming where these fraudulent pieces of paper are one day going to be worth millions.
I’m mad because I’ve received so many emails from people challenging me about this, absolutely convinced it’s real.
It’s so sad, and I feel so bad for them.
They all say the cash out is “just around the corner….”
It’s not.
I’m sorry.
And look at that post above…
It’s always one more thing.
Now you have to buy a “TRB Notebook” in order to “cash out”.
Makes me so mad.
Buy 10 workbooks to cash out more!
Unfortunately, this infamous quote is more true now than ever before:
“It’s Easier to Fool People Than to Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled”
So go ahead and email me and tell me how wrong I am and how your “TRB Checks” are going to be worth millions in the future in just a few weeks….
Or is that months?
Definitely soon!
But I will kindly tell you that you’ve been conned.
At the bottom of the scammy sales page, they even admit this (I’m sure thinking it’s a legal disclaimer):
So to everyone getting ready to email me to argue, just read the bottom of their very page and they tell you it’s not real.
But now the most important part…
Do you want to know WHY they push these so hard?
And we’re not just talking a couple dollars either…
Below is what they are offering people who will sell their product.
You may not know what all of these phrases mean, so I’ll simplify it for you…
These people earn $290.18 on average with each sale they make!
Ahhhh, now do you see?
I’ll say it one more time: I have no problem with anyone selling something.
It’s kind of how our world works.
Everyone reading this has some sort of job and whatever company you work for (or self employed) does some service or sells some product to make money.
And if you make a lot of money, then good for you!
That means you provided a lot of value to the world that people liked!
EXCEPT….if you promise people their TRB Bucks will soon be worth millions, but only if you now buy 10 TRB Workbooks.
Makes me want to puke just typing it.
I hope this helps someone and saves someone from being conned.
Here’s a similar post I made last month warning everyone…
WARNING: These Are NOT Real, Don’t Get Conned!
This is a public service announcement from yours truly, me…Noah!
About 1-2 times a week, I get people emailing me asking if the “Trump Card” is real.
The latest version is the “Diamond Trump Check”.
Other variations include the Black Check, the Black Diamond Card, Black Diamond Check and TRB Checks.
They get promoted by crap like this:
And here:
In fact, I just got another email today asking me if these were real.
I am honored that I am a trusted source of information (I work very hard at that).
Here was the email with personal information blocked out:
I am so happy to answer that and thank you for trusting me enough to email me about it.
Also, P.S. — I love your P.S. — yes he is!
Now to answer your question:
To quote an (evil) past-President: READ MY LIPS…these are not real!
I don’t want people to fall for scams or pay money for something that has no value.
So this is my public service announcement to all of you!
No, these are NOT real.
No, these are NOT endorsed by Trump.
No, these do NOT have any connection to Trump.
I hope that helps!
But there is actually a lot of cool stuff out there.
If you want something REAL and something valuable, call my friends over at Miles Franklin.
Gold is currently sitting at All Time Highs as I write this (and has been for weeks), and best of all Gold and Silver are REAL.
You know, what they have always called “God’s Money”.
He made it, they aren’t making any more of it, and it has always been highly valued as money from the beginning of time until now.
So I’m a big fan and I think it has the potential to do big things if, say, the U.S. Dollar were to suddenly collapse.
So that’s why I talk about it and why I want to make sure everyone protects themselves and your families.
So to answer the question of “what can I do?” it’s really quite simple: you need to get some #Gold or #Silver in your own possession.
It’s called “physical” gold and silver.
Not paper traded garbage on the stock exchanges that isn’t backed by anything.
Don’t touch that stuff.
And because I get asked so much how to buy it and what the best places are, I thought I would publish this and just get it out there for all to have….
I have two special hook-ups for you and these are the ONLY two companies I am proud to partner up with on Gold and Silver.
Both involve PHYSICAL gold and silver.
Because if you do NOTHING else, make sure you own “physical” gold and silver, not paper contracts.
The paper contracts (like stock ticker SLV and GLD) could very well go POOF one day and disappear or go to zero, because they’re not actually backed by the gold and silver they claim to represent.
It’s a massive game of musical chairs out there and when the music stops (and I think it will stop soon…) people who only own paper might find themselves owning something not worth the paper it’s literally written on.
And I know you’ll never forget it if I give you this GIF so….Let’s Get Physical:
Now…WHERE do you get physical gold and silver and how do you know it’s real and safe?
And that you’re getting the best price?
Oh, and how about personal one-on-one real customer service?
You know, like you were some Big Wig millionaire at Goldman Sachs who could just call their personal banker and get help?
That’s what I’m about to tell you.
I have two killer connections for you…
1⃣ The first is for purchasing gold and silver bullion, bars and/or coins.
You may recognize Andy Schectman from Miles Franklin.
He’s prolific on YouTube and just a brilliant guy, I’ve followed him for years.
I’ve partnered up with Andy’s company, Miles Franklin, and I’m really excited to show you what they can do!
In fact, Andy’s going to be coming on my show, the Daily Truth Report (follow us on YouTube and Rumble) in the future, and you’re going to want to make sure you don’t miss those.
Andy is a wealth of knowledge about the precious metals markets and crypto, and I’ve covered him here many times in the past.
Now I’ll get to chat with him myself, and I’m really looking forward to it.
I’m spoken directly with Andy and his team and they have assured me they will take very good care of anyone in the WLT Report family (that’s you!).
At Miles Franklin, everyone gets personal attention from their team of brokers and you’ll get whatever level of hand-holding you prefer. They’ll also customize a deal just for you, but you have to call them and tell them NOAH sent you! They’ll handle it from there. 1-952-929-7006
There is no minimum order size and no maximum limit.
I think you’ll love working with them, I already do!
You can reach them at 1-952-929-7006 and make sure you let them know that Noah sent you over, they’ve promised me the best of the best service and pricing for everyone in the WLT Report family. 🙌
(You can visit their website too, but best pricing is by phone)
That’s the cheapest and most economical way to do it, to stretch your dollar into as much gold and silver as possible.
You’ll get a personal phone call with one of their top brokers, personalized, white glove concierge service at no extra cost to you….whether you’re buying $500 or $50,000, they’ll treat you the same.
How about that!
No sales pitch, just real, actual help.
And the best prices you will find.
Ok, that was #1.
Now I want to tell you about option #2.
2⃣ An equally great company, I am so happy to be working with these guys is Genesis Gold.
This is for people who want to purchase real physical gold or silver in their IRAs (Investment Retirement Accounts).
You know what the beauty of that is?
Two huge benefits actually…
First is TAX FREE baby!
I’m not a tax advisor, but that’s a general oversimplification.
Never pay more taxes than you are legally required to pay.
And that’s why I love getting gold and silver in my IRA (and why I hold a large chunk in an IRA myself!).
Second is if you simply shift money out of stocks (like Peter Schiff recommends) and into Gold, it won’t cost you anything! No money out of pocket!
There’s so much to love about Genesis Gold, starting with the fact they are proudly and un-ashamedly Christina!
They call it “Faith-Driven Stewardship” and they put it right on the homepage of their website along with a quote from Ezekiel:
Here’s more on why gold and silver in your IRA are so powerful:
You can contact Genesis Gold here.
They are also very backed up with record demand, so you may have to wait a bit, but someone WILL get in touch with you for personal customer service and assistance!
This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.