Exclusive — Marsha Blackburn: Democrats ‘On the Wrong Side of Just About Every Significant Issue’
Democrats are “on the wrong side of just about every significant issue,” Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) said during an appearance on Breitbart News Daily.
Blackburn made the remark to host Mike Slater while discussing the latest developments on the continuing resolution (CR), following reports that Senate Minority Leader Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) is caving and supporting it.
“The thing that is so interesting about that, Mike — and I think your audience will find this interesting — the Democrats find themselves on the wrong side of just about every significant issue right now, whether it is men in women’s sports, securing the border, deporting criminal illegal aliens, or funding the government, and the Democrats in the House and the Senate are over there with 20 percent of the American people, but 80 percent are with President Donald Trump,” Blackburn explained.
“And Republicans and people think it’s silliness that in a Republican-controlled House, Senate, and White House, that they would be pushing to have the Schumer shutdown of the federal government, and that is what they’re pushing for,” she continued.
“I’ve seen that AOC has even given statements to reporters that she is trying to activate the leftist base to come up here and to push against Democrats who are going to vote to keep the government open,” Blackburn added, noting that she does not like voting for CRs and generally votes against them.
To her Democrat critics, Blackburn explained that Republicans are simply trying to “protect this country, and we are trying to make the necessary cuts and save the money for the taxpayer, secure the border, and then on those cuts to get these things actually codified and into law, so that we end these programs that have outlived their usefulness and things that people don’t want to be paying for.”
“Those are what we’re trying to do. But the Democrats are out here campaigning to spend more taxpayer money, because $36 trillion in debt is not enough for them. They want to spend more $2 trillion deficits, that’s not enough for them. They want to spend more, and they have built their lives around having a government bureaucracy that supports their charities, their committees, their departments, their unions, and for the taxpayer, the hard working taxpayer, to stand up and say, ‘Absolutely not. I have had enough,’ the Democrats are highly offended,” she said.
That is why, she continued, the country sees so many Democrats changing their status to independent.
“These people have gone so far left I don’t even recognize what they’re talking about, whether it’s about Israel, whether it’s about the border or criminal illegal aliens or getting the budget under control,” Blackburn added.
Breitbart News Daily airs on SiriusXM Patriot 125 from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Eastern.