Elon Musk Calls for Long-Overdue National Inquiry in UK on Rape Gang Scandal

Elon Musk Calls for Long-Overdue National Inquiry in UK on Rape Gang Scandal

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In a series of posts on X, Elon Musk has been calling attention to a years-long scandal in Britain that was hushed up for years and is still receiving insufficient attention from British authorities: the phenomenon of rape gangs. These gangs have victimized tens of thousands of British girls, and quite likely many more than that. Yet for decades, authorities have been slow to altogether inactive in moving against them, and have occasionally even punished their victims and rewarded the perpetrators. The reason for this lies in the perpetrators’ identity and motivating ideology, which few dare to face.

In a Friday report on Musk’s calls for action on this, Fox News stated that “the U.K. has for years been dealing with the revelation that a number of grooming gangs, often consisting of men of South Asian or British Pakistani heritage, exploited children for decades across the north of England in cities and towns including Rochdale, Telford, Manchester, and Rotherham.” That is true, as far as it goes. It even accounts for a great deal of the official reticence in dealing with this problem: leftist British authorities were terrified of the likelihood that if they moved decisively against the rape gangs, they’d be tarred as “racist.”

In a 2014 report on rape gang activity in one city alone, Rotherham, investigators found that the gangs victimized 1,400 British children there between 1997 and 2013, and authorities were extremely slow to act. The report noted that “several staff described their nervousness about identifying the ethnic origins of perpetrators for fear of being thought racist; others remembered clear direction from their managers not to do so.” This is the suicide of a nation mired in leftism.

It was the same story in another city, Telford, where a review established what was true all over the country: the perps were “Asian” (the British euphemism for “Pakistani Muslim”) and authorities were worried that an energetic prosecution “had the potential to start a ‘race riot.’”

Yes, and worse. Noticing the obvious in Britain has been career suicide for years. Back in 2017, Sarah Champion, a Labour MP from Rotherham and Shadow Secretary of State for Women and Equalities, wrote: “Britain has a problem with British Pakistani men raping and exploiting white girls.” For stating that obvious fact, Labour (which is now in power) expelled her from the Shadow Cabinet, and she faced a firestorm of criticism.

And the full reality is even worse still, such that almost no one has dared to state it publicly. Few in Britain have dared state the truth as forthrightly as she did, yet she actually only got closer to the problem. This is not and never was fundamentally a racial problem; it was and is a religious one. Sexual assault occurs in all cultures, but only in Islam does it have divine sanction.

One English survivor of a rape gang has said that her rapists would quote the Qur’an to her and believed that Islam justified their actions. Other rapists have done the same thing in Pakistan and India, where the U.K.’s “grooming gang” members mostly come from, as well as in France. The Qur’an teaches that Infidel women can be lawfully taken for sexual use (cf. its allowance for a man to take “captives of the right hand,” 4:3, 4:24, 23:1-6, 33:50, 70:30).

The Qur’an also says: “O prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their veils close around them. That will be better, so that they may be recognized and not molested. Allah is always forgiving, merciful” (33:59). The implication there is that if women do not cover themselves adequately with their outer garments, they may be abused, and such abuse would be justified.

But no one, and I mean no one, wants to face those facts in Britain today. Now that Elon Musk has focused his massive spotlight on this problem, there is widespread discussion of how fear of “racism” charges protected the perpetrators. But British authorities will never do justice to those victims until they fully discuss what happened and why. They’re not even close to doing that because it would involve confronting many within the Muslim community, and British officials are clearly intimidated by that community. So the same fear of “racism” that consigned tens of thousands of British girls to their fate is still very much in play.

The thousands upon thousands of innocent victims of these gangs deserve better.

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