Dem Rep. Bera: Newsom Made a ‘Pivot’, ‘Sounds Like Someone Who’s Running for President’

Dem Rep. Bera: Newsom Made a ‘Pivot’, ‘Sounds Like Someone Who’s Running for President’

On Monday’s broadcast of NewsNation’s “On Balance,” Rep. Ami Bera (D-CA) said that he believes Democrats should “stay out of the culture wars” and keep their focus on economic issues that most people care about and California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) made “a little pivot” on transgender issues last week, “It sounds like someone who’s running for president, maybe.”

Bera said, “We lost this last election because we didn’t talk about commonsense things. We didn’t talk about lowering prices, making groceries more affordable, bringing energy prices down. That’s what the American public really wants. And Donald Trump, to his credit, talked about all those things. We have to come up with our plan and stay out of the culture wars.”

He continued, “So, I watched my Governor last week make a little pivot. It sounds like someone who’s running for president, maybe.”

Bera added that Democrats should “stay out of the culture wars. We ought to talk about what 95% of America cares about…how am I going to pay my mortgage? I want to retire one day, mom and dad are getting older and how we’re going to take care of them. Let’s talk about all that stuff.”

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