Monday, February 10, 2025

Trump Becomes First President to Hold South Africa Accountable

by Daniel Greenfield

In myth, post-apartheid South Africa became a land of unity, peace, and brotherly love. In reality, it became a corrupt racist dictatorship: a slow-motion Zimbabwe whose more gradual pace of self-destruction was only made possible by the vastly greater wealth that the corrupt Communist movement that took it over had to play with.  In its greed for wealth, the ANC just starved dozens of miners to death and is plotting to seize the land of white farmers.

The African National Congress presided over the destruction of South Africa’s economy and its transformation from a first-world country to a place where the power can’t be expected to stay on in its major cities.

While all of this was going on, U.S. presidents alternated between ignoring that anything was wrong and following the dogma by praising the ANC’s regime. Not even South Africa’s open embrace of Russia, China and Hamas could seem to dissuade the Biden administration and liberals from their worship of the ANC.

But now that changed with President Trump blasting the new racist land confiscation program and threatening to cut off aid to South Africa.

Even apart from a racist plot to seize land, South Africa under the ANC has become profoundly hostile to the United States. It’s become a playground for China, Russia and Iran. And we should not be funding it.

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Daniel Greenfield

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

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